In class week 4st
Today is the week 4st. Some group, they have to
present in about Communicative language teaching, ICT
in English teaching, vocabulary teaching, and Teaching Pronunciation
Whether CLT should be considered an approach or a methodology is a more
abstract debate and here I want to deal with its more practical aspects. In
fact, it is those very elements, and the name itself, which have been used to
challenge the future relevance of CLT. Firstly, the label implies a focus on
communication and some might argue that this method can't be employed genuinely
with low levels as there is no authentic communication, due to a limited
vocabulary and restricted range of functions. Initially, many of a learner's
utterances are very formulaic. As an aside, consider just what percentage of
our own English expressions are unique, and how often we rely on a set phrase;
just because it is delivered unselfconsciously and with natural intonation does
not make it original. The aim is that the length and complexity of
exchanges, and confident delivery, will grow with the student's language
in English, Effective use of ICT in English lessons offers the potential to
transform teaching and learning. Purposeful and appropriate application
of ICT in English can provide pupils with opportunities to use their ICT
capability to assist and progress their learning in English. The
Secondary National Strategy has addressed the need to improve the effective use
of ICT in English through a number of initiatives. ICT across the
curriculum (ICTAC) was introduced as one of a number of whole school
initiatives in 2004, with a supporting training booklet and CD for all
subjects, including English, providing a set of materials to promote the use of
ICT in the classroom. Materials are downloadable from the following link:
vocabulary teaching, Vocabulary is needed
for expressing meaning and in using the receptive (listening and reading) and
the productive (speaking and writing) skills. It should be considered as an
internal part of learning a foreign language since it leads the way to
communication. Nation and Warring (1997), aptly mentioned, “Such as writing and
reading , vocabulary knowledge is one of the components of language skills”.
Harmer clearly states,“ if language structures make up the skeleton of
language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh”.
If one wants to use language effectively, he/she must have good stock of
vocabulary. Language is made up of words. According to Throat (2001),
‘Words are the building block of language’. Nagy(2003) appropriately remarks,
“Vocabulary knowledge is fundamental to reading comprehension; one cannot
understand text without knowing what most of the words mean” Teaching
vocabulary well is a key aspect of developing engaged and successful readers.
Teaching Pronunciation is Communicative language teaching makes use of
real-life situations that necessitate communication. The teacher sets up a situation
that students are likely to encounter in real life. Unlike the audio lingual
method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and drills, the
communicative approach can leave students in suspense as to the outcome of a
class exercise, which will vary according to their reactions and responses. The
real-life simulations change from day to day. Students' motivation to learn
comes from their desire to
principle, I think we can apply for teaching in class. These is skills for
practice in English skills, then we should do.